Yesterday my sister Kate came over so we could tackle the storage area at my Dad’s house. This is a space about 6 feet deep and about 20 feet wide. It has cupboard along one side and a work bench of sorts at one end. It also has about a bazillion boxes of mysterious origin and piles of stuff. What it lacks is organization.
So we thought we would go through what was in there, reorganizing and/or tossing. It’s really rather like an archaeological dig – going through layers of detritus and discovering the occasional treasure. Mostly, though, it’s stuff that someone thought someone ELSE could probably use so into the storage area it went.
I was appropriately dressed for the occasion, wearing white jeans and a white shirt (insert rolly eyed icon here) so I mostly dictated to Kate what I thought should get tossed (most of it) and occasionally I would carry out a stack of empty boxes, holding them out as far as I could from my person, and take them to the recycling bin.
After we had been at if for an hour or so I hear a jubilant HoHO! from Kate. Tucked way in the back under boxes of books, under the workbench was a box that was filled with splits of champagne. Obviously left over from some celebration but neither of us could remember an occasion where splits of champagne were served. We’re more whole bottle celebrants.
Just rewards, don’t you think, for a job well done.
What a Treasure!
Verrrry nice…..
We should pop them open at Sunday dinner!!
Wahoooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Clarice
For the love of pete, how did we miss that? Wonder how old it is? I don’t remember ever serving any splits of anything at any of our family parties!
Oh yeah, and that is GREAT news that the storage area has been cleaned out!!!!!
Wonderful rewards!! How funny to be digging through and trying to finish a difficult cleaning-out job and have a discovery like that! enjoy, Dawn
I never get that lucky I usually find something icky or a dead bug. I would start cleaning right away if I thought I would find some nice bubbley in there.
I love the eye roll. So funny. It made me spit out my drink reading it.
WOAH!! That stuff could be ancient. Was that from Nan and Jack’s anniversary party????? WHat year is it? Wait till Ryan hears abotu this! Woo! This is like Nan keeping an eye on you and kate and patting you on the back!
Ohhhh…I love Chandon champagne. Almost ten years ago I had a friend who worked there and he would keep me stocked with champagne and their chocolates. yummmm
When we were clearing out my Grandfather’s house we found about £1,000 in the hoover and in the pile of newspapers he kept on the kitchen table there were £5, £10 and £20 notes interdispersed between the pages… its always nice to find some treasure! I hope that you enjoyed it!