I keep meaning to do a food post. But then I get ready to cook dinner and the next thing I know it’s over with and I haven’t taken a single picture. I think my posts need pictures.
And I didn’t cook Brussel sprouts. God no. My niece*, who is willowy and pretty much fat-free, and would actually eat such a thing, brought them to cook for my father. What I did make was a fabulously easy – embarassingly easy – quiche. My sister’s recipe, actually. The niece’s mother – who was off aprender español for the evening. Anyway – the recipe couldn’t be easier and it is a fool-proof quiche.
*Growing up my niece was the ANTI Miss Clark. All she would eat was white food. It amazes me the things she will eat and claim to actually LIKE – like raw cow tongue. And brussel sprouts. And she writes about food now. Who would have thought?
Buy a prepared pie crust. Unless you feel strongly about making your own, from scratch, pie dough. This quiche is all about the easy so prepared works for me. Pre-bake it for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile mix the custard. Two whole eggs plus two additional egg yolks. 1 cup cream, 1 cup milk. Salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg (I hate when recipes call for a pinch. What is that exactly? The nutmeg container had a top with holes in it and I shook it three times over the eggs and milk). Whisk together. Grate 4 oz. of Jarlsburg or Swiss cheese (about a cup). When the crust is done pre-baking take it out of the oven and layer sliced tomato and onion rings (and by onion rings I mean the battered, frozen, Ore Ida variety) in the crust then top with the cheese. Pour the custard over the top until it is about 1/4" below the edge.
Since I have never made a quiche that didn’t have extra custard I decided to take a shallow ramekin and make a crustless quiche (for the willowy niece). I slightly buttered (I SWEAR – it was the teeniest amount of butter) the ramekin and layered tomato, onion rings and cheese then poured the left over custard mixture over the top.
I placed both quiches on a cookie sheet and baked at 375 for about 45 minutes.
Since I never can manage to take an after picture of anything I cook – here is the before:
Trust me when it came out of the oven it was golden brown and lovely looking. You can tell when it’s done by inserting a knife and having it come out clean. I also kind of poke at it make sure it’s not too jiggly.
The Brussel sprouts – heck I have no clue. I think they were quartered and tossed onto a baking sheet and put in the oven for a while. Someone ate them all but it sure as heck wasn’t me.
You brighten my day with your kindness. ^_^ Brussel Sprouts were Yummy!! AND I think Grandpa doesn’t know what he’s talking about- boiling them, tsk!
Best Quiche ever. I am going to have to make this next time I need to impress some one.