I'm sure many of you know and follow Fifi O'Neill, known for her gorgeous photo styling and her romantic, prairie aesthetic. She is also a devout animal lover and supporter and is very passionate about animal rescue.
She has just published a book titled Rescue Me – Love stories of Humans and the Animals they saved. All proceeds from the sale of the book go to animal shelters and rescue groups.
And would you look at that! Rosie made the cover! That is her in the upper right hand corner.
Fifi had posted on Instagram that she was looking for stories for her book so I emailed her with the story of how we rescued two sweet, shy ragdoll sisters and I included a couple of pictures and their story is included in the book.
It is quite an honor to be included in such a worthwhile cause.
The girls? They aren't letting it go to their heads. Sweet and humble as always.
carolyn says
Congratulations on your moment of fame! Your girls are just beautiful.
Dianne says
Your rag doll sisters are gorgeous. They have such pretty yes and have landed in a loving home.
LindaSonia says
So neat!!
Andrea says
Thank you Carolyn. They really are a joy to us.
Andrea says
Thank you Dianne. I have been accused to getting them because they match my decor but I think it was their pretty faces and beautiful eyes.
Andrea says
I know! I feel so honored that their story was included.