Before we go any further I need you to go HERE and check out the pretty sachet hearts. Go on. I’ll wait here. Take your time.
I didn’t think you were going to come back. Jill has a beautiful blog, doesn’t she? Aren’t those hearts just adorable? I’m a sucker for anything lavender. I just love it. I read an article, in the dearly departed and much lamented Victoria Magazine, a few years back about a family that moved to Oregon or maybe it was Washington because they couldn’t stand their corporate, city life anymore and they started growing lavender. As a business – fields and fields of it. When the workers are harvesting it they have to take frequent breaks because it made them woozy, being out there in all that lovely lavenderness. Its sedative, calming properties are very real.
Well I just had to have one of those hearts and looky here ~ now I do!!
It makes me feel a little woozy to go to Jill’s blog and etsy shop and see the heart and then to look down and see it in my very own hands. A little surreal. It is packed tight with lavender and it smells like heaven. There are going to be very sweet dreams at our house tonight.
Now see…you have gone and done it again. I must have one of these darling little lavender filled hearts for my daughter. I think it will make the perfect Valentine’s day gift! Cammy
What a sweet write-up! You are too good. I had to laugh about the workers taking breaks from the lavender… my husband can hardly even walk into my studio sometimes because of the scent of lavender! But it doesn’t bother me – I must have an immunity.