(picture stolen borrowed from my sister, Nicole)
Pâtisserie. I do believe that is my new favorite word.
I haven’t said much about the holiday festivities except for the occasional "Phew! Tree is up." or "Phew! Tree is down." post. I spent the greater part of my vacation (12/21-1/7 so still in progress) sick as a dog. My body is wont to do that – as soon as I am free of any professional obligations all manner of previously intimidated viruses and bacteria feel free to have a party at my place. Whoohoo! Party at Andrea’s. Literally.
I did manage to pull it together and invite myself down to my sister and brother in law’s house the weekend after Christmas. Rick and I drove down on Saturday morning and just as soon as we arrived we hopped into my brother is law’s car and headed into Pacific Grove to pick up fish for the evening meal and a secret stop at Gerard Bechler’s Pâtisserie for a certain someone’s birthday dessert. Certain someone being Rick, before you all start sending me birthday salutations. I’m aging fast enough, thank you very much.
My sister and brother in law (Dennis) met the man before the baker, if you will. Meaning they met him socially and became friends with him and he just happens to be an amazing pastry chef. Pastry Chef – now there is a friendship I would definitely cultivate. It’s almost as good as a – – – hmm. I can’t think of anything better. When we went to pick up the dessert Gerard wasn’t there but oh my the dessert was.
I’ve been hearing stories for years now of parties where Gerard brought some amazing confection for all the guests – towering crouque-en-bouche (see image above), individual chocolate lanterns with actual candles burning inside, artists being inspired to do his likeness in chocolate after eating one of his desserts. And now we had one of our very own to enjoy.
I cannot describe how good it was – it was a vanilla custard surrounded by individual cream puffs, drizzled in caramelized spun sugar and topped with fresh berries. We ate our amazing dinner of fresh fish tacos and drank tons of wine and then each took a modest portion of dessert. Lots of moaning ensued and then there was a total loss of decorum and we just passed the cake plate around and each took a turn basically licking it clean.
The next morning we drove back into Pacific Grove and decided to have breakfast at Gerard’s. Well he does quiche just as amazingly as he does desserts. Dennis and I had spinach quiche while Nicki and Rick had ham and cheese. It was just more custardy than other quiche I’ve ever had. And as a bonus Gerard himself was there and came out and visited with us for a few minutes. The holidays are his busiest time and I’m sure the Sunday before New Year’s was no exception. After we ate our quiche and drank our coffee and piled into the car Gerard came out to the parking lot with a small china dish with four perfect chocolate truffles to see us on our way.
Can you even imagine a better way to end the year? I’m not sure I can. Gerard is on a much deserved holiday in France and I, along with most of the rest of you, am on a diet. So when I am enjoying my steamed vegetables and salt-free broth I am going to dream of cream puffs, flaky pastry and sea breezes.
I was in Pacific Grove Sunday as well, wasn’t it an amazing day? Mine sadly wasn’t filled with such culinary delights.
I made a crouque-en-bouche one year, could never make the carmelized sugar set, it just dissapeared into the air!
Happy New Year. (and maybe I’llsee you later today?)
Okay I am sooo depressed now. I do not really miss CA until someone like you does a post like this. Well I am sooo glad you had a good time, I guess ;-P xoxoxo Clarice
My wedding cake was a metre high crouque-en-bouche and was delish. Best part was watching my parents in-law feeding each other romantically on the dance floor.
Custard and cream puffs?! Where are you?! I must have some!
WOOOOW – that pastry looks amazing and I love how you described your evening of eating and then just plain licking the plate after all was said and done. A girl after my own heart.
Happy New Year – Hugs – Karen
Okay – can you explain to a Texas girl how to say that word phonetically? It looks Yummy by the way!