It didn’t take me long to make the Mexican Hot Chocolate cookies from Coconut & Lime, did it? My youngest son says I’m in my cayenne phase (he was one of the few that really appreciated my chipotle caramels).
I was doubtful that I would find golden syrup since it is more of a British product but there it was, in our local gourmet shop right by the corn and maple syrups. I have to admit feeling a little thrill when buying imported products for cooking. I feel the same way when I buy McCann’s oatmeal or those pretty cans of Italian tomatoes. Then I feel guilty when I think that the can of golden syrup probably came over on the Queen Mary and my carbon footprint just went up to a size 13.
I’m trying to eat local, really I am.
I finally get to use my Extra Fancy cinnamon (and not so fancy cayenne pepper). I love the simplicity of the Penzeys label and the stamped seal on the jar. Do you get the feeling I am easily manipulated by a pretty face, an alluring label? I’m a marketer’s dream consumer.
I modified the recipe slightly. I didn’t have applesauce so I used more butter (reasoning that applesauce is often used to replace oils) and I used half as much cayenne as the recipe called for. When I mixed it all up the dough seemed really crumbly and dry, undoubtably because I monkeyed around with the original ingredients, so I added about four tablespoons of milk. This dough could easily be rolled into a log and sliced like refrigerator cookies. I used a small scoop and then flattened the dough with the bottom of a glass I dipped in sugar (cinnamon sugar would have been better).
The cookies are probably a little bit spicy for most tastes (at least the crowd I run around with). I would cut the cayenne down to 1/2 tsp. They would make a perfect dunking cookie. They are crisp, yet a bit chewy too.
Yum! This is your second spicy desert, you know? What do you want me to bring back for you from Paris???? Hankies, linens??
Those cookie look sho’ ‘nuf good.
Glad you found the golden syrup. In Britain I think most households have a sticky jar of this stuff in the back of their cupboard. Its good for pancakes! On the flip side, its quite hard to find quality maple syrup over here, which is a bummer cos we’re big fans of American pancakes with maple syrup.
I have the biggest craving for creme brulee now! Is it easy to make?
They look really good,even if they are spicy!
those cookies look good, I don’t like spicy things though, so may only put a 1/8 tsp of the cayenne.
I also have Lyle’s Golden Syrup in my kitchen! I love the can. I recently bought sweet bavarian mustard from Germany because of the white jar with blue line drawings on it. I AM enjoying the mustard too!