Flickr Favorites (please click link to see the photographers of these beautiful images)
- I just ordered this book: The Kitchen Linens Book (for $1.87!)
- Speaking of old linens – isn't this a cute use for salvaging torn or stained pieces: Summer bunting (via Les Bonnes Idees)
- Great idea for upcycling vintage rhinestone earrings. Except for the fact I have a stainless fridge and magnets don't stick to it. I think glueing them onto flat thumb tacks is another great idea.
- I have no idea what this blog says (and translating it doesn't help) but what a fabulous idea for invitations. I especially love the second to last picture of all the stacked boxes tied with a pretty piece of lace.
- File this under "why didn't I think of that?" Clever storage for cupcake wrappers
Ah – sadly today is the last official day of my vacation. It's back to work for me on Monday. I plan to make the most of it this weekend, enjoying houseguests and relaxing. I'm craving blueberry pancakes so they might figure prominently in my weekend too.
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!
Fabulous links, as always.
The invitation idea is for a bachelorette – the girls are going away for a weekend in Spain, in the Rioja wine region – crafting, baking, dancing in their pyjamas, inventing cocktails – sounds like a LOT of fun.
What is UP with stainless fridges not being magnetic! I mean I understand the physics of it, but can’t they just invent magnetic stainless steel already? I could hang Josephine’s Bachelorette invitations on it!