I'll warn you – this post is going to be rambling and opinionated. And ironic since I am basically going to be opinionated about other people opinions.
A week or so ago I shared a link to Apartment Therapy's Small Cool Contest. I have so enjoyed seeing all the entries and how creative people can be with a small space and with expressing their own creative style. Mind you these are people sharing their personal spaces – not designers show-casing their work. Real people living in real homes.
I am really shocked (and a wee bit cranky) at how opinionated and rude some of the commentary is. The rules for the contest are simple – if you like someone's space then 'favorite' it and the entry with the most favorites wins. So to me it seems logical that the opposite of that would be to just skip over the entries that aren't your style. But my goodness do people have to weigh in with their not so constructive critiques of the entries they don't like.
Okay so organizing your books by color is not your thing – then don't do it. Don't like animal skins in your decor – then don't do it. Don't like a lot of stuff displayed – then don't do it. No need to tell the contestant how ugly you think it is.
The books by color thing is definitely a hot topic with very clear camps. Personally it doesn't work for me because I *have* to have my books organized by height. I also don't care for the color orange – so I don't use it. Doesn't mean those that do are somehow wrong with their decorating choices.
I also see comments about certain trends being overdone (chalkboard paint, cardboard deer head, ikat anything…) or cliched. Who cares? If it makes someone happy, and no one is making YOU do it, then what is the problem?
Don't get me wrong – I am *very* opinionated about what I like and don't like. But I wouldn't tell someone that I thought their decorating choices were wrong. And I would only offer up an opinion if specifically asked and I would do it politely.
I'm not sure why this is making me so cranky today. I think it's because it appears general good manners are on the decline as people are more freely able to interact anonymously. The old adages 'if you don't have anything nice to say…' or 'if you wouldn't say it to someone's face…' really hold true nowadays. And prefacing your opinion with 'No offense..' or 'I don't mean to be rude…' doesn't negate the bad manners.
Okay enough of that. I just realized my magazines are out of order and I need to fix them.
I am with you on the rudeness of society these days…I just don’t get it but it does speak volumes about how awful people are feeling about their lot in life. I counter
with enjoyment & joy. OR my 2012 new saying…”If you have nothing nice to say, could you at least be vague?” usually met with a stare…and my laughter. Ignorance does begin with Ignore!
Kate R.
I agree! When I repin stuff sometimes I’ll add “I would consider blah blah blah blah” or “perhaps with blah blah blah”, but I try to keep it a suggestion – not a “hey this sucks and I am going to bash it for the whole internet to see. Good post Andrea – what a great reminder to everyone (myself included) that manners are important!! Oh! My quirky book rule? At least one section of the bookcase *has* to be a horizontal stack. Yikes!
I agree! Great post.
So very true…and a sad commentary on life today. It would seem politeness and courtesy have gone out the window with basic common sense and personal responsibility.
Enjoyed your post immensely. Andy Rooney is reborn!!!
Amen sistah
Yes, you go girl.
I agree and you have a LOT of magazines there!
I’m so sick of rude people in every way shape and form. Glad you wrote this post!!
I know of a blogger who thinks they can be mean to other’s design sense and it makes me mad. I stopped following her because of it. Then there is a whole blog called GOMI “Get off my internet.” The sole purpose of this blog is to make fun of fashion bloggers. My youngest daughter fell victim to them, and boy were they mean!!!
I think blogs are for inspiration, and if you don’t like it, move on and keep you mouth shut!!!