There are differing opinions on where this was taken. I'm pretty sure it was in the country formerly known as Yugoslavia but Kate thinks it is Spain. At any rate it was taken in 1969 (or 1970 – depending on whose story you believe) and I love how we are just sort of flopped on top of each other and completely relaxed (me in the foreground).
25 Things About Me (aka ran out of runway for a proper post)
1. I am an April Fool
2. I am left-handed
3. I love those first two things about me – they've always made me feel special
4. I am special – dammit!
Baby Andrea. Thank goodness I grew into that forehead. I mean seriously – that is a LOT of head…
5. I am a psuedo-vegetarian. I'll eat poultry and seafood. I could easily give up the poultry
6. I used to raise chickens. And it turns out they have adorable personalities. Which explains part of random thing number 5
7. I will never willingly jump out of an airplane or ride in a hot air balloon
8. I have lived in Michigan, Argentina, California, Turkey and Maryland
Me at age 5. Bangs covering huge forehead.
9. I have faux ossicles
10. I took four different languages in High School. German, French, Spanish and English (yes I am counting English…)
11. Growing up I had a big crush on Ernest Borgnine. I used to keep this a secret but it seems everyone knows this about me. Except for Ernest who would never return my calls
12. I am almost half way through with 25 random things about me
Thank goodness I grew into those teeth too. Age 7.
13. Almost every single day I glance up at the clock at exactly 4:44pm. It's starting to freak me out a little
14. I sneeze in threes
15. My very first job was working at Danny's Pastry Shop in Silver Springs, MD
16. Before I moved to MD – I used to babysit for a woman (in California) who's very first job was working at Danny's Pastry Shop in Silver Springs, MD
My aura. Istanbul, Turkey – Age 10. And NO that is not a glass of wine. Sheesh.
17. I was in an airplane, flying to Madison, WI on September 11, 2001
18. I was in an airplane, flying to Madison, WI and it was struck by lightening. I'm thinking I'll take the train next time
8th grade English class. My favorite by the way.
19. In 1975 I tried to call Elton John from a pay phone to wish him a happy birthday. I forgot to factor in the time difference between California and England
20. I was devastated to learn that Elton John is gay and would not be available to marry me. I have since gotten over this and wish him and his husband Tony all the best. He still won't return my calls, though
21. I have four sisters. Built-in best friends. One is no longer here in the physical world but she is with us always
22. I'm a counter. When I have to pass time I count things. Red cars driving by. Acoustic tiles in a ceiling. The word "the" in a pamphlet. Turns out my dad does the same thing. Just ask him how many buttons are on his shirt any given day.
Some 80's tanning booth action going on here. 26? 27?
23. I have an accute phobia about moths and butterflies
24. I am determined to speak another language fluently. I wish I paid closer attention in all those HS language classes
25. I played my clarinet for President Ford in 1984.
First thing I noticed in your younger pictures was your eyes, they are just beautiful…and still are today. Lovely picture of you…and what is a faux ossicle? (As opposed to a real one, I mean?)
Hi Andrea!! Here’s looking at you kid! that was fun….
Thank you Carolyn. Ossicles are the bones in your middle ear (hammer, anvil and a third one whose name escapes me…). I have fake ones because I had a tumor (non-cancerous) in my middle ear.