Untitled ♥ mini cupcakes ♥ Loved ♥ Gathering materials
- Heart shaped Le Crueset A lovely Valentine for your favorite chef
- I love the simplicity of this bracelet. I would want to engrave it with something meaningful like a date or something inspirational
- I wear a vintage kimono for my bathrobe and I feel very elegant swanning about the house in it. This one is so pretty. This shorter silk version is gorgeous
- Some pretty for your ears. Ed Sheeran and Andrea Bocelli: A Perfect Symphony (how sweet are Andrea's sons with him?)
A bit of a romantic bent to my findings this week. I like Valentine's Day. I never think of it as a romantic day – more of a equal opportunity, show everyone you love them, kind of day. I can remember as a teenager driving to my friends' houses the night before and leaving little gifts and cards on their doorsteps. Last year I gave everyone wooden spoons with a heart cut out of them and the year before that I sent vintage hankies to all my female relatives. I love doing stuff like that.
I have a date with 20 rose bushes this weekend. We pruned 20 last weekend (and I have the scratches and punctures to prove it) and we have about 20 to go. I am taking today off from work so I can get a jump start on it.
True story – last weekend Rick and I were out front, him tackling the huge climbing rose in the courtyard while I addressed the more manageable roses in front of the kitchen window. I wanted to move the ginormous yard waste toter closer to me and some how managed to tip it over AND fall into it at the same time. Of course this graceful act happened right as some guy was driving by in his jeep and all I can remember is seeing his shocked and delighted face as I went ass over tea kettle.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Now go listen to that Ed Sheeran/Andrea Bocelli video again.
Thank you 1000x for that Andrea/Ed Sheeran song….. Can’t stop listening to it.
Have a great weekend too!
Isnt it just lovely? I haven’t gotten tired of listening to it yet. Happy Weekend!