Sorry for the slow start today. And for recycling Instagram pictures. Get ready – I'm in a blathering mood with nothing of substance to say. I feel like I'm in waiting mode lately. Waiting for Spring to truly and finally arrive for one. Waiting for inspiration for projects around the house.
Decor wise I think we are pretty dialed in. Although I will say it's always good to change things up so one's look doesn't get stagnant. You don't want to be in an online article, 50 years from now, describing how your home is a perfect time capsule of the early 2010's.
When I look at my Instagram feed for new people to follow I'm looking for something that looks new and fresh with how they decorate their home. But all I can seem to find are Chip and Joanna Gaines-esque farmhouse decor. Every feed looks the same. Shiplap, lots of white with some greige and taupe thrown in. I guess every decade has it's decorating style and farmhouse is having its moment. And before I offend anyone (ha – it's probably too late) it's not that I don't like that look because I do but I think it has played itself out.
I'm not entirely sure what my style is. I've described it as grandma chic but I think that is a little more kitschy than what I have going on. I guess it is mostly traditional with some grandma thrown in. While I'm not opposed to painted white furniture (as evidenced by the pieces I have in my house) I really do love a nice wooden piece to break up the space with some color.
That dresser above has been mine for as long as I can remember. My younger sister Trish and I used to share it, each getting a small and a larger drawer to call our own. When we finally got our own bedrooms I got the dresser and the library table that is in my living room now. I also got a small upholstered chair which I sadly had to get rid of about five years ago. I remember it being important to me to keep those pieces and Trish was happy to get new furniture. I liked the history back then and I like it even more now.
My dining room table for example; I was six years old and I went with my mother to look at a dining room table set that an older couple were selling. I remember them telling my mother that they got it as a wedding present 50 years earlier. When I was in my early 20's my mother had a new dining room table built for our ever expanding family and she gave me the dining room set. If I was six and it was 50 years old then, well let's just say it's REALLY old now. It's probably a decorating no no, since we rarely sit at it, but I love how it looks and I love all the memories of meals eaten there, homework being done, getting to sit at the head of the table with our revolving, musical cake stand for birthdays. So many memories.
I kind of forget where I was going with this. Oh yes – so while I like my decorating style and I love certain pieces I also want to freshen things up. I think what we really need to do is paint the walls. I get a number of questions about the paint on our walls (mostly inherited from the previous owners) and it does photograph well but in real life it is dingy and I'm embarrassed to say there are a number of places where the plaster has been patched and it only has a coat of primer over it.
So I think that should be our next decorating project. One really does have to gird their loins when it comes to painting, don't they? The thought of moving all that furniture and doing the prep work is exhausting. So while I will say stay tuned for that – at the same time don't hold your breath as it may be a while before I can muster up the enthusiasm.
I don’t mind moving the furniture and all that but I decided a couple of years ago to hire a painter to paint my whole downstairs and the stairway and upstairs hall (and all the woodwork!). She brought in the drop cloths, the brushes and rollers and took them away when she was done. All I had to do was put the furniture back. The best money (and not all that much) I ever spent on my house!
I’ve painted every room in our house over the last 18 years, multiple times, so the next time I’m paying someone. I’m just not up to it anymore! Your house is lovely and you style is eclectic…a little of everything but very personal. I love seeing pictures of your home, don’t change a thing! 🙂
I should get quotes but knowing what the California bay area prices are like Im pretty sure its more than I want (or can) spend on a painter. That being said if your painter is in the bay area please send me her name!!
Thank you for the kind words. I do like my style but like to move things around a bit. Mostly the small, decorative things.
I am SO with you being over painting. I used to have the energy but not anymore. It doesnt help that I completely suck at painting. So even if I go to the effort the end result is always subpar.