We are hitting that point in our garden when things start to fade because of the unrelenting heat (seriously – high 90s for weeks on end with no rain in sight). Our enthusiasm and garden both wane dramatically.
We do have a few plants that seem to thrive on the heat. The rose above was a Craigslist freebie that Rick found. A women in our area was moving out of her rental and she didn't want to risk the fate of her rose bush to the next tenant so she advertised it on Craigslist. She figured that someone answering an ad for a free rose was a better risk than leaving it behind. Rick dug it up and took a few bags of soil off their hands (they were moving across country and it didn't seem practical to take it on the plane with them…..).
Well it found a good home with us. It is a very prolific bloomer and didn't suffer much from being transplanted.
Hmmm. I think my Dusty Miller has bolted. And is halfway to the sidewalk. Or Milwaukee. This sad state of affairs is in the courtyard. Today I pulled it all out and replanted with fresh Salvia, Phlox, Verbena and more Dusty Miller. I don't have an after because it all looks a bit bald at the moment. But give it a few weeks and it will look lush and full.
Do you do much late Summer replanting? I like to freshen up a few areas and we keep feeding the roses so we get blooms well into Fall.
I have to admit my blog is feeling a bit like my garden at the moment. Still sort of nice but definitely fading as the heat rises. I think I just need to ride both out and my enthusiasm for both will come back when the temperatures start to drop.
It has been a year exactly since I've been back to blogging. I've truly enjoyed it and plan on continuing for the foreseeable future. I'm proud of myself for consistently posting but admit to feeling a bit panicked every so often and then scrambling to get something, anything posted. I find I get the most engagement on project (craft) type posts so I want to concentrate on polishing those up a bit while still having the regular, low-key "let's catch up" type of posts.
Thank you for sticking with me and encouraging me. It is truly appreciated and I treasure the camaraderie.
I LOVE your blog! I don’t comment very often but I faithfully read. I enjoy gardening and reading also but you have other interests and talents that are different than mine. Your home is a show piece and I often see ideas for creating beauty. We live in Southern California near the coast so our garden doesn’t suffer as badly from heat but I wilt when the thermometer hits 90 – as it is this week. I try to spend time each evening in the garden but there is some definite benign neglect as the temps ratchet up.
I am so glad you are back! I enjoy reading whatever you have decided to share. You write well, and manage to get me to be excited with you about gardening (not a thing I do) as much as your crafting projects. Please, write what you want!
Thank you so much for the lovely comment. Ive decided my approach is to just write the things that I like to read about.
I hope you are safe from the fires. There arent any near us but my goodness has the air quality been terrible! This has been such a hot Summer here in California.
Thank you for the kind comments. You were one of the first to comment when I started blogging again last year and I was so touched that anyone was still checking in.