Imagining a life lived ◊ waiting ◊ From above ◊ flower making party!
No favorites this week.
I tend to write my posts a few days or week in advanced and then schedule them to post on certain days. My Wednesday post turned out to be rather prophetic as I was laid off from my job on Tuesday well after I had actually written it. I should have started my side hustle sooner!
To be honest I am okay with it. Not happy about it but okay. I started working for Hewlett Packard 30 years ago and weathered several splits, mergers, 8 CEOs and finally they sold off my division last year and we have had lay offs ever since. I work in a high cost location, we are losing big customers left and right and I could see the writing on the wall a year ago. My entire entire team, save two people, was let go including my boss and his boss.
I already started updating my resume a couple of months ago so it's been shined up and sent out already. With the job market as strong as it is right now I'm confident I'll find something quickly. My skillset, training development and knowledge management, is relevant across many industries so there is sure to be something out there for me.
A good friend of mine from my HP days gave the advice to not make a career out of looking for a job. In other words, yes spend some time looking just not ALL the time. Take some time to relax, recharge and just enjoy life.
Which I intend to do right now.
On another note – if any of you are in Florence's path please know you are in my thoughts and please stay safe. As I'm typing this it is about a 100 miles away from landfall and it's looking very dire.
So sorry to hear of your lay off. I can somewhat relate because I was a casualty of the GM bankruptcy back in the day. Luckily I had enough seniority to take an early retirement which was scary at first but now I thank the Lord every single day that I have been able to financially survive. Wishing you all the best.
Thank you – this truly is one of those blessing in disguise moments. Work has been so toxic and stressful lately that all Im really feeling at the moment is relief. I wish I could retire but my darned financial adviser says I have to work until Im 67! The jerk!