Happy Halloween! Here is the group shot from our 31st Annual Halloween Party. It really is ridiculously fun and the costumes are so clever.
I was Miss Havisham from Great Expectations. I feel compelled to mention that I used makeup to try to look older and more haggard.
I won the prize for "Most Effort." I bought a wedding dress at a thrift shop and cut the too current looking top off of it. I just folded over the cut edge of the skirt part to fashion a waistband. I found tulle the color of dirty cobwebs and attached layers of it around the waist. I had a victorian looking blouse that I wore along with a sheer white robe and cinched it all in with a belt I made of satin ribbon and grey lace. The veil was made from the same dirty looking tulle and grey ribbon.
I've had this costume idea for a few years now. Next year I'm going as something completely simple.
There is Grandpa Rick and his little skeleton granddaughter Gwen. The pretty peacock in the middle is our daughter in law Trisha. Gwen is wearing her auxiliary costume. Her real costume was a cave girl riding a dinosaur. Boy is that going to confuse her when she starts learning about the Mesozoic era in school.
The quality of the pictures are poor because, except for the group shot, they were taken with cellphones. Next year I'm going to have to remember to use my camera more. It's just hard to remember during all the festivities.
My blog schedule has been a bit off the past couple of weeks. I hope to get back to my regular three days a week schedule next week. Now that Halloween is over what shall we talk about? Haha! I do promise no Christmas posts until after Thanksgiving.
Happy Halloween everyone!
The party shots are wonderful! Looks like a good time was had by all.
We did have a fabulous time! Such a silly holiday but so much fun.