shabby chic vignette/living room ◊ A Jar full ◊ Untitled ◊ lace and transferware dish
- Look who's coming back! FAO Schwarz is going to reopen some stores. And just in time for Christmas! I loved pouring over the catalog with the boys when they were young
- This is seriously best smelling apple candle. It smells like a freshly cut apple and nothing else. No cinnamon, no caramel – just a juicy, fresh apple
- Isn't this a pretty pink pitcher? And the price isn't bad, considering the source
- Oops – we've been saying it wrong all this time. Good luck trying to break that habit
Happy Friday! I got back home yesterday and as lovely as Rancho Palos Verdes is it sure is nice to be home. My friend did really well and is truly an inspiration to me. She does not for one second feel sorry for herself. Her attitude is so positive and I know that will see her through. The chemo and anti-nausea medication makes her super drowsy but she would nap and then get up and have decent energy to run errands or go out to lunch.
I'm just happy I was able to provide some support to her and not completely ruin her car while doing it.
I'm thinking Rick and I will take a nice long drive on Saturday. After not seeing him most of the week it will be nice to have some us time.
I hope you all have a splendid weekend!
The pink pitcher is lovely, but I had to chuckle when I read you should “stock up”. At $45 each? One is plenty! The IKEA article was interesting, thanks for sharing! When we first married, 33 years ago, one was coming to the Philadelphia area. They had big billboards advertising it with a rebus on them. It had a picture of an eye + picture of a key + A. So if no one pronounces it correctly, it’s their own fault! LOL
Enjoy your weekend!
Seriously how many pink pressed glass pitchers does one need? Have a lovely weekend!