Isn’t amongst a word? Spell check is picking it up as suspect. Well I’ve always used it and it’s too late to try to change me now.
I turned the corner this weekend. By Saturday afternoon I was getting some energy back and not coughing nearly as much. I think it helped that I finally got a good night’s sleep the night before.
On Sunday I pulled out my Easter decorations and started playing around with them. I really don’t have much in the way of Easter related decor so it’s hard to come up with new and interesting ways to display them. I had this very inexpensive cloche that I bought at Michaels around Halloween. The base was originally black but I spray painted it a dull gold color. I think my *Unibomber bunny looks great under glass with a little nest of moss and a fern frond.
*When my dad saw the bunny he asked “Is that a bomb on his back??” So it’s the Unibomber bunny forevermore.
Do you decorate for all the holidays? Some of the holidays? None? I only decorate for Easter, Halloween and Christmas. Although occasionally I add some small american flags to the mix around the 4th of July. I have one box for Easter decorations, three or four for Halloween and a bojillion for Christmas.
Maybe I’m giving the other holidays short shrift.
Although, in my defense, I did buy a shamrock plant on Saturday so I’m counting that as decorating for St. Patrick’s day.
I have been loving these pale roses lately. They are just the most delicate shade of blush. I’ve been getting them at Trader Joe’s and they have had this same color for a few weeks now. Here’s a tip for you when buying cut roses: Pinch the buds. They should be very firm, bordering on hard. If they are at all squishy pass them by. It means they aren’t all that fresh and will wilt quicker.
The weather promises to be good this week so maybe I’ll get out there and prune my rose bushes and do some weeding. Happy Monday everyone!
So glad you’re feeling better! It sounds like the flu this year is brutal, my boss’s step-daughter has it now and spent Sunday in the ER. It’s nice to see you back to decorating. I only decorate for Christmas now, I used to decorate for most holidays when the kids were little, can’t be bothered now since no one would see it but my husband and I. We don’t entertain and tend to go to our kids’ houses rather than them coming to ours. I guess if that changed, I would, especially once my granddaughter is old enough to care. Just need to move closer to them…
Glad you are feeling better. Whilst is one of those words that sounds made up to me. But I hear British people use it all the time, so it must be a real word. As you know, I will decorate for any occasion under the sun. I will even make a quilt to celebrate the event. Did you know today is National Pancake Day? Now, that gives me an idea….