Gray ◊ Making of red currant juice ◊ Imagining a life lived.. under a parasol ◊ Peek-a-boo….I see you
Happy Friday!
I just got back from doing a test drive of my new morning commute. It wasn’t bad at all. I’ve been checking the drive times all week around 7:30am and it is consistently 27-28 minutes. There are several different routes I can take in case traffic is problematic. It might seem a bit much, to do a test drive, but I do like to be prepared.
We have no plans at all for the weekend, by design. I want to just relax at home and enjoy my last few days off. I know I keep apologizing for the lack if scintillating content around these parts but the preparation for the new job and just the generally lazy pace of summer just hasn’t been fodder for the blog. I do plan on getting a few posts scheduled this weekend so I don’t have to think about posting during the week. Thank you for patience as I get used to my new normal.
I do hope you have a lovely, relaxing weekend!
Good luck!!! I always do test drives for places I go to.
Thank you Jean! Glad to see I’m not the only one. Ha!
I think a test drive(s) and looking for different routes is smart.
Good luck and have a peaceful weekend.
Thank you so much! I am so excited to see where this new adventure takes me.