I thought I better drop and say hello before you all thought I had just given up the ghost. I haven’t. I’m still trying to get my new normal under control. I don’t even seem to read blogs anymore, much less post on my own.
What’s ironic is with this new job I absolutely cannot work over 40 hours a week. In my old job it was normal for me to work an hour or two in the evenings, just catching up with email. So you would think I would have MORE time to post. It’s not really a time issue, it’s a creative issue. Since I’m still settling into things I just don’t have any energy when I get off of work to do anything blog worthy.
But I can chat so that is what you are getting today.
I also wanted to share two pretty things I recently purchased.
The first is this absolutely lovely photograph I bought at a local antique store. It was taken at the Nonomiya studio in Tokyo around, I’m guessing, the 1930’s. The young woman has such a beautiful face and I love that she isn’t in traditional Japanese clothing. I get such a feeling of calm and loveliness when I look at it. You can see why I had to get it.
The other thing I bought is a print from the artist Lisa Finch. She is @frenchcanvas on Instagram. I sent my niece Stephanie this print because it truly is her living her best life.
I need to find the perfect frame for my print and then I think I’ll hang it in my kitchen somewhere.
I hope you all are doing well. Thanks for putting up with my erratic posting.
I love this artist!